Volunteers are the heart and soul of REDCOLLAR RESCUE. We have no staff and are all non-paid volunteers, who give our time, talents, and passion for a common goal – to save homeless animals.
We have a variety of volunteering needs including picking up a particular dog or cat from the shelter, transporting pets back and forth to the vet clinic or boarding facility, assisting at adoption events, and helping spread the word about REDCOLLAR RESCUE to friends and family.
Here are a few ways you can help:
Adoption & Special Events:
REDCOLLAR RESCUE has adoption events on scheduled Saturday afternoons at the Petsmart at I-10 and Taylor Street in Houston.
Adoption events are crucial to introduce our dogs to potential adopters and the general public. Help is needed to set up and breakdown crates and other items, handle the dogs, answer questions and introduce dogs to potential adopters.
If you have a large vehicle, we could use your help transporting crates and other items to and from events and our storage facility.

Pick up and return dogs for adoption events and vet appointments. These dogs are in boarding or in foster homes.
When REDCOLLAR RESCUE pulls a dog from an area shelter, we need that dog picked up from the shelter and transported to one of our vet clinics for a checkup.
Meet & Greet:
Introduce dogs to potential adopters who cannot attend an adoption event. This may be done at a vet clinic, boarding facility, local park, pet store, etc.
Home Visits & Adoptions:
Visit a prospective adopter’s home to determine if it’s a safe and loving environment. Process the adoption paper work. Follow up with adopters to ensure the dog is settling in.
Graphic Design:
Design t-shirts, flyers, event invitations and other promotional materials.
Fund Raising & Grant Writing:
Do you have a flair for planning events, or have some innovative ideas to raise money? We need your talents!
Dog Training & Dog Walking:
Dogs may spend some time at one of our vet clinics due to medical issues or they’re waiting for a foster home to become available. The dogs love a walk or a cuddle session. We also need help assessing the dogs’ personalities & level of training. Any positive reinforcement training, you can provide, is welcomed.
Administrative Help:
There’s a great deal of help you can provide at your computer from the comfort of your home. (You won’t even get your paws dirty.)
It’s a long list but includes: answering email inquiries, tracking information of each dog, helping with social media & newsletters, writing thank you notes and coordinating events and volunteers.
Probably the most rewarding way to volunteer and frankly, the most important because we can’t rescue dogs without foster homes. Open up your home & heart to a dog in need. See how you can help by fostering here.
Please complete the Volunteer Application Form to get started.