Satin Memorial Fund

The Story

Donate to the Satin Memorial Fund at RedCollar RescueMy name was Satin.

I was not born into this world with love, but I left it with more love than I could ever have imagined.

Why did my Human not want me or my sister, Silk? I do not know. We were kept outside 24/7 with no vet care, no shelter, and little food for over two years, and then abandoned at the pound.

We were petrified and lay shaking together in the cold dark kennel. “Unadoptable” that’s what the staff said. “Euthanize” our card read.

REDCOLLAR RESCUE received a last minute plea on our behalf, and at that moment our lives changed forever. They picked us up and off to the hospital for a check-up and treats.

Then to our foster home…fluffy beds and full bellies, my heart started melting.

With patience and encouragement, we came out of our shell. “Adoptable” they cried, “adorable!”

I was ready to find my fur-ever family, but I woke up not feeling too well one morning. Did I have an upset tummy…was it from chasing too many lizards?

Donate to the Satin Memorial Fund at RedCollar RescueNo, the vet said I had dangerously low red blood cells. I needed an immediate blood transfusion. Who…me?

That was the start of the last fifty-three days of my life. REDCOLLAR RESCUE did not abandon me. They did not hesitate to help me.

I spent three days in critical care at the emergency room, was taken to two veterinary specialists, an oncologist, and internist.

REDCOLLAR RESCUE tried to save my life. They had to see if I could be healed. Tests were run for lymphoma, leukemia, tickborne diseases, and more.

I was in and out of the clinics for fifty-three days. I could not believe how much concern there was over little ole me!

Donate to the Satin Memorial Fund at RedCollar RescueI had six blood transfusions to try to buy me time for medications to work.

The veterinarians thought I might kick this thing, and find my fur-ever family, but it was not to be.

A bone marrow biopsy revealed I had an incurable condition called Aplastic Anemia. My body had stopped producing red blood cells. If I were a human, I might be helped with a bone marrow transplant, but for us little canines, there is no cure. It leads to blood clots and trouble breathing.

I looked pleadingly at my foster mom and spoke to her with my eyes, “It is time for us to part…” With a half wag of a tail and a lick, I told her it was time for goodbye.

All of REDCOLLAR RESCUE was heartbroken and crying. I know how much they did not want to let me go, but it was time and I was ready.

I was held closely and left this world in the arms of my loving Foster Mother.

Donate to the Satin Memorial Fund at RedCollar RescueI am now free of pain, and waiting until the day I will see her again, along with my sister, Silk.

I just want everyone to know I have no regrets. I had a lifetime of love in just four months. More than many of my animal friends ever experience…

There are so many dogs and cats that will never be as lucky as me. Please adopt or foster a furry child and give them a chance to experience the love I had!

Please donate to the Satin Memorial Fund. My vet bills put a HUGE dent in the REDCOLLAR RESCUE fund, yet they never gave up on me…they always go the extra mile and they never give up the fight to save a life, no matter the cost. Your financial assistance is greatly needed so they can continue their life-saving mission. Please help me ensure they can save more lives.

Love, Satin

P.S. You can watch a video of my story below to see even more pictures of my journey with REDCOLLAR RESCUE.

REDCOLLAR RESCUE spent over $10,000 in an attempt to save sweet Satin. Tax deductible donations to the Satin Memorial Fund are greatly appreciated and can be made on this page or by mailing a check to Red Collar Rescue, 945 McKinney Street #424, Houston, TX 77002.

We need your help to continue our life-saving mission for homeless pets in Houston, Texas.

We also want to recognize the veterinarians and technicians who dedicated their time and hearts to Satin’s fight. Along with Satin’s foster mom, their care ensured that Satin had the best chance and as much love as possible.


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