Whether you want to make a donation to the animals in honor of someone for their birthday, or donate to honor a pet or person who has passed away, you can rest assured your gift is going to work right away to help those homeless pets needing a second chance at life. Memorial donations make our lifesaving work possible.
Tribute gifts are a powerful way to honor or remember a loved one by giving our pets the opportunity for a new life! Your gift provides critical funds that make our work possible.
In Memory Of
Remember a person or animal who has touched your life by making a memorial gift. We’ll notify a loved one of your donation through a handwritten card.
In Honor Of
Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, wedding, retirement or other life milestone, a gift in honor of the occasion is the perfect way to show a special person in your life that you care about them and the animals in need.
We will notify the person you are honoring of your generosity and kindness.
Donations can be made online by credit card, debit card, or PayPal by completing the form below, or directly through Venmo. You may also send a check made payable to REDCOLLAR RESCUE mailed to this address:
945 McKinney Street, No. 424
Houston, TX 77002