Archibald (Archie) was spotted weaving in and out of traffic late at night by a good Samaritan, but before they could get to him, another car hit him and left the scene!
The good Samaritan rushed Archie to the ER. As fate would have it, a REDCOLLAR RESCUE volunteer was at the ER with another dog when Archie was brought in at midnight. He was wrapped in a blanket and almost lifeless, unable to open his eyes or move!
Archie was in critical condition with head trauma. The vets said the first 24-48 hours were critical. If Archie were to have any chance of survival, he needed to be put on IV medications immediately to attempt to relieve the swelling in the brain. If he did not respond positively within the first day or two, he would not survive.
Archie responded surprisingly well to the treatment. Within 48 hours, his brain swelling was decreasing, and he was becoming more aware of his surroundings. However, x-rays revealed that Archie had a fractured vertebrae, and he could not walk on his hind legs.
After several days in the ER, Archie was transferred to the neurologist for further evaluation. Luckily, the vertebrae did not appear to be pressing on the spinal cord, so the neurosurgeon recommended crate rest for 6-8 weeks to determine if the break will heal on its own and not require neurosurgery. Anesthesia would be very risky in Archie’s current condition.
In addition to his car injuries, Archie had other medical issues. He had a skin infection, eye infection, worms, was covered in fleas, and his hair was so matted, it had to be shaved. He had no collar, tag, or microchip and was not neutered. Poor little guy had a rough life!
It took several months of crate rest, rehab, and lots of special TLC from his foster parents, but Archie healed 100%! And look at him now! He has loving parents and an adorable little sister! The perfect home for a special boy! Have the BEST LIFE ever!