Alvin was confiscated by authorities in horrific condition from his owner’s back yard after being tethered to a chain that had grown into his neck! The chain had to be surgically removed. His wounds had to be covered with a black surgical recovery coat for protection, and to aid in the healing process.
In addition to being chained up, we discovered that poor Alvin is also blind!! We expected him to be nervous in his new foster home, but something else was wrong. He was running into furniture and falling off curbs on walks. After a trip to the ophthalmologist this week, we learned he had retinal degeneration. He can see some shapes vaguely during the day, but is totally blind at night. This is a disease that normally comes on much later in life. The eye doctor explained that poor nutrition in Alvin’s early months could have led to early onset of this condition. There is no cure, and it will continue to progress. We cannot imagine how scared Alvin must have been…tied out on a chain which grew into his skin and unable to defend himself or even see! We will do everything possible to make sure Alvin finds the perfect home where he will feel safe and loved for the rest of his life!
Alvin is estimated to be 10 months old and 35 lbs. Despite all he has been through, he is sweet as can be. Such forgiveness from such an injured soul!